Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art: A must-see

The Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art is a must-visit place during a stay in Japan. It has the largest collection of art in the country. So, a setting that you shouldn't fail to discover, especially for art and history enthusiasts. This museum houses complete collections of artworks, and archaeological objects from Japan and East Asian countries.

Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art: what to do before visiting

Before visiting the National Museum of Modern Art, it is necessary to do some research on the history of Japan. Why? Because visiting this place requires a minimum of knowledge about the history of this country. You will be more immersed in the atmosphere and not too much of a stranger if you research beforehand since the information displayed in the museum's exhibitions is quite limited. If possible, take a brochure on the history of Japan with you. Otherwise, choose a guided tour to better enjoy the discovery. It is worth noting that the museum has an audio guide. However, the latter is not available in French and is in limited number.

When to visit the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo?

To visit the National Museum of Modern Art in the Japanese capital, you have to choose the right time. First of all, the visit to the whole museum can take an hour. So you should plan half a day if you want to explore all the collections thoroughly. As for the perfect time of the day for the visit, opt for the morning, as soon as the museum opens. This is the time when there are still few visitors. As for the season, the best time to visit is in the fall or spring. This way you can enjoy the beautiful gardens of the museum and its tea rooms. For a summer visit, it is better to buy your ticket online.

Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art: what to visit there?

The National Museum of Modern Art or MOMAT is actually composed of three buildings. It is the museum itself, the contemporary craft gallery, and the national film center. Once there, you can visit each of these buildings and immerse yourself in the history of Japan. First, take a tour of the National Museum of Modern Art with its 12,000 pieces. Check out the exhibits highlighting the architecture of Japanese houses in history. Second, explore the Contemporary Craft Gallery and its permanent collection of displays demonstrating the relationship between Japanese artists and nature. The National Film Center is a must-see setting for such a visit. It has movie theaters and the permanent collections of a century of Japanese cinema.

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